Escape from the Circus

| Global Game Jam 2024 |

A 2D side-scrolling platformer inspired by circus clowns, where players control the clown's movements through facial expressions captured by the camera. Collaborated with a team of 6, I was responsible for game and level design.


| Ludum Dare 56 |

A 2D side-scrolling game inspired by the theme "Tiny Creatures." In the game, players control a tiny mechanical spider that spins webs to move between nodes, capturing bugs and protecting the supercomputer network from infections. Collaborated with a team of 6 as the game designer, responsible for designing the levels. We continuously tested and adjusted the levels, collaborating to solve problems, and successfully completed the high-quality game within 72 hours. 


| GMTK Game Jam 2024 |

A puzzle-solving game where players use reasoning to decipher an indigenous language and summon the correct items. Collaborated with a team of 5 as game designer. I also assisted with the integration of art and programming, ensuring the game development process ran efficiently. 

Deceptive Summoning

| Ludum Dare 55 |

A puzzle-solving game where players use reasoning to decipher an indigenous language and summon the correct items. Collaborated with a team of 5 as game designer. I also assisted with the integration of art and programming, ensuring the game development process ran efficiently.


| Ludum Dare 54 |

Collaborated with a team of four to develop a strategy maze game inspired by the theme "Limited Space." In this game, players guide animals to find food and safely return home while overcoming various obstacles. I utilized Unity 2D to create character control and event scripts, also introduced innovative gameplay and strategic elements.